Contributing to the ROOTS Photo Archive

Share your photos on the ROOTS Image Archive on Flickr. With over 2,000 files, it’s the most comprehensive digital record of our work together — and we want to keep it growing!

HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP (see screenshots below):

  1. Sign in at User: PW: ROOTs.1976
  2. UPLOAD photos, images or video
  3. TITLE images Please use this structure:
    Content_MMYY_PhotogInitials_#inSequence Example: EMCArtsRetreat_0514_ST1
  5. ADD TAGS State, Issue Area, Activity type, People #ROOTSWeek2014
  6. If you also have your own Flickr account, add yourself in ADD PEOPLE
  7. Make an ALBUM if you upload a batch
  8. Set the OWNER SETTINGS & VISIBILTY Choose the “License” setting you prefer Choose the “Privacy” settings (public/private)


  • You can load batches of images at the same time.
  • “PUBLIC” visibility will automatically show up on the ROOTS Website Gallery and the Flickr photostream.
  • Flickr has a smartphone app! You can take photos on your phone and load them up right away.
  • You can load up high resolution versions of images, it auto-saves all the different sizes.
  • You can upload watermarked photos for public view if you want. But, PLEASE also upload a private version without a watermark so we can feature in publications and on the ROOTS Website.
  • Not sure if you want restrictions or what kind? Check out the Creative Commons for some great ways to share your work without giving it all away:


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Alternate ROOTS supports the creation and presentation of original art that is rooted in communities of place, tradition or spirit. We are a group of artists and cultural organizers based in the South creating a better world together. As Alternate ROOTS, we call for social and economic justice and are working to dismantle all forms of oppression—everywhere.