
Artistic Assistance Project Development

Artistic Assistance provides direct support to individual artists and cultural workers in the South to enhance their skills, create unique projects, and build community. The program has two funding areas: Professional Development, and Project Development.

Read on for more information about the partnership program, who is eligible, how to apply, proposal support, and more!



Alternate ROOTS supports Southern artists and organizers working at the intersection of art, community, and activism.

Artistic Assistance is a partnership program between Alternate ROOTS and our general and voting members who are individual artists/cultural workers living and working in our service region (the US South). This program allows ROOTS to invest in our members’ artistic and community-centered collaborations by providing funds, promotion, connection, and other forms of support. 

Two cycles of Artistic Assistance partnership grants are offered each year: 

  • Professional Development (SPRING 2024): focused on building individual artistic and professional capacity for artists and cultural workers [This cycle is CLOSED]
  • Project Development (FALL 2024): to support community-focused projects and collaborations

All recipients of resources are considered partners of the entire ROOTS community. To that end, ROOTS is committed to supporting our partners in stewarding resources to support the execution of our collective mission and strategic plan.Artistic Assistance Project Development grants provide ROOTS members with grants of $250-$5,000 to support the development, creation, and presentation of members’ artistic projects. New members (less than 12 months of membership before July 26, 2024) are eligible to apply for up to $2,500. 

For the upcoming Friday September 27, 2024 deadline, the proposed activity must start on or after November 2024.


Friday August 30, 2024:  Applications Open

Friday August 30, 2024:  Conversation of Intent & Proposal Coaching Requests BeginRequest a Conversation of Intent ,   Request Proposal Coaching

Tuesday September 10, 2024: Support Call #1 (3:00 PM ET): Simplify Your Proposal Narrative –  Register in advance for this call.

Thursday September 12, 2024: Support Call #2 (3:00 PM ET): Clarify Your Budget – Register in advance for this call.

Friday September 13, 2024: Requests due for Conversation of Intent or Proposal Coaching (5:00 pm ET)

Friday September 27, 2024: Application Deadline (5:00 pm ET)

December 2024: Award Notifications



To be eligible to apply for the Artistic Assistance program, ALL of the following must be true:

  1. You are 18 years or older, living and working within the ROOTS service region by Friday July 26, 2024.
    • ROOTS service region: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington D.C.
  2. You are a current dues-paying general or voting member by Friday July 26, 2024.
  3. You have not received a ROOTS grant or partnership in the three (3) cycles prior to this current grant cycle.
    • If you received an Artistic Assistance grant in Spring 2024, Fall 2023, or Spring 2023 or are a lead collaborator in the 2022 Partners in Action or 2020-23 Partners for Change programs, you are not eligible to apply to this round of the program.
  4. You do not have any outstanding ROOTS grant or partnership final reports due.
  5. You are proposing activities that take place during the program period from November 2024 – December 2025.


Please submit your application through this form by Friday September 27, 2024, at 5 pm ET. Emailed applications are considered incomplete and will not be accepted or considered for funding

If you need any support with submitting your application, please contact the Strategic Partnerships Team via email at before the application deadline.

To submit your application:

  1. Prepare your proposal packet. This includes: 
    • 2024 Artistic Assistance Project Development Application 
        • You can use this word document, which contains all application questions as you prepare your application. All information on this document will be transferred by YOU to the online application form
        • Proposal narratives can be submitted in written, video, or audio format. More information about alternative format applications can be found on the word document
        • Those submitting in alternative formats still need to complete the ROOTS MEMBER INFORMATION, MEMBER ELIGIBILITY, PROPOSAL DETAILS, AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS sections on the application form.
    • Work Samples:
        • Work samples can be submitted as a Google document or URL.You can link your website, YouTube, SoundCloud, or other web platforms that contain examples of your work. 
        • Please keep these short! Think quality over quantity.
          • Written samples should be limited to 3 pages maximum and submitted as a Google document.
          • Limit audio and video samples to 5 minutes. A few clips no longer than one minute is even better.
          • If your sample is longer, include instructions that point reviewers to the minute and second where you’d like them to begin with notes about what they should pay attention to.
    • Budget:
        • Use this Budget Template for Artistic Assistance applications, or submit your own budget document.
        • Please clearly mark where ROOTS funds will be used for budgets that greatly exceed the request.
        • The Budget Template includes a Sample Completed Budget on the second tab, to serve as an example.
  1. Complete the submission form and attach work samples and budget.
  2. Submit the form electronically.
  3. Look for an email confirmation of your submission (this may take a few minutes). 


Alternate ROOTS is committed to helping our members communicate their vision to apply for opportunities, including our partnership grants! We encourage you to take advantage of these support opportunities:

Proposal Support Calls
Proposal Support Calls offer the opportunity to meet with a ROOTS representative and ask questions about the application and selection process.

Tuesday September 10, 2024: Support Call #1 (3:00 PM ET): Simplify Your Proposal Narrative

Register in advance for this call.

Thursday, September 12, 2024: Support Call #2 (3:00 PM ET): Clarify Your Budget                 
                              Register in advance for this call.

Conversations of Intent
First-time applicants MUST schedule and complete a Conversation of Intent. This is an opportunity to speak with a ROOTS representative one on one about your application to ensure it aligns with the partnership program. Request your Conversation of Intent by 5 pm ET on Friday September 13, 2024.

Proposal Coaching
ROOTS provides free proposal coaching for eligible member applicants who request it. Proposal Coaches are hired consultants who are experts in the field and can help you clarify your proposal. Request Proposal Coaching by 5 pm ET on Friday, September 13, 2024.


ROOTS strives to be a resource for artists and communities throughout the US South, and we award grants that align with the following program goals:

  • Strengthening the capacity and impact of artists and cultural organizers throughout the South by providing resources, including direct funding, to individual members
  • Building intentional partnerships and collaborations with ROOTS members
  • Helping ROOTS members extend or deepen their presence within a community – at home or on the road
  • Highlighting the assets or challenges of communities that are impacted by social, economic, and environmental injustices

In addition to seeking applicants that reflect the goals of the program, ROOTS’ selection process considers geographic distribution, racial and ethnic diversity, LGBTQIA+ representation, accessibility, and socio-economic diversity. These practices set us apart from typical funding models.

In alignment with our strategic plan, preference is given to proposals centered around and created by members of these communities in the US South:

  • Youth
  • Trans / Two-spirit / Non-binary
  • SWANASAAPI (Southwest Asian/North African/South Asian/Asian/Pacific Islander)
  • Indigenous / Native American
  • Latinx
  • Artists with disabilities / Disability advocates
  • Artists focused on climate justice and environmental advocacy
  • Applicants from Alabama, Arkansas, and West Virginia

The Artistic Assistance grant review panels are made up of cross-disciplinary artists, organizers, ROOTS members, and individuals from peer organizations. We convene panels that reflect the diversity we seek to achieve. The panelists review applications and recommend partners to ROOTS staff. Final decisions are made by staff to ensure that all program goals are met to the best of our ability. The panelists use the following criteria to evaluate all applications:

30%: Articulation of Artistic Vision

  • Did the applicant clearly articulate the artistic vision and aesthetic direction of the project?

30%: Alignment with ROOTS Mission

  • Is the proposal rooted in a particular community of place, tradition, or spirit? How does it connect to social, economic, and/or environmental justice?

20%: Goals and Outcomes

  • Did the proposal clearly define the goals and outcomes that the applicant will use to evaluate the project? Are the applicant’s goals and outcomes realistic and feasible within the proposed timeline?

20%: Budget

  • Is the budget clear and accurate? Are the artist fees appropriate for the level of engagement required of participants?


If you receive an Artistic Assistance partnership grant, here’s what you can expect. 

Alternate ROOTS Provides: 

  • Grants of $250-$5,000. New members (less than 12 months of membership before July 26, 2024) are eligible to apply for up to $2,500.
      • Grants are disbursed in two payments, 75% upfront and 25% after a final report is submitted.
  • Conversations of Intent: a short conversation with a ROOTS representative to ensure the proposal is aligned with the partnership (required for first-time applicants; optional for others)
  • Proposal coaching with peer artists (free and optional)
  • Proposal support calls: step-by-step workshops on completing your application
  • Feedback on your application: we share comments from the panel reviewing applications
  • Opportunities to highlight your work on ROOTS’ social channels, email communications, and blog
  • Investments in the communities where our members live

ROOTS Members Provide:

  • Creative and administrative work toward the artistic endeavor outlined in your proposal
  • Documentation: help us brag about your great work!
  • Communication: let us know if you hit a roadblock or need to pivot  
  • Keeping us posted: with enough lead time (preferably 30 days) we can help publicize your events
  • Final Report, which includes a brief write-up about your work and experience with receiving a grant with documentation as available, including but not limited to photographs, letters of support, evaluations, press clippings, etc.
  • Presence: when possible, we hope partners will attend ROOTS events
  • Spread the love: let people know you got this grant! Post on social media! Helping other social justice artists in the US South find out about this resource
  • Credits: making sure to credit Alternate ROOTS in all promotional materials


If you have any questions, please email or call
404-577-1079 x308.

Additional Resources

In addition to the application support listed above, we encourage you to utilize grant writing resources, including:


Are you a past Artistic Assistance recipient ready to fill out your final report?

Click HERE for the final report form for Artistic Assistance Project Development. 

Click HERE for the final report form for Artistic Assistance Professional Development.

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