
Our Gatherings are Cultural Organizing

Alternate ROOTS’ gatherings are at the heart of our cultural organizing strategy. Through events like ROOTS Week, ROOTS Weekend, Porch Sits, Rhizomes and even Executive Committee meetings (which are open to all members!), we build strong relationships with members and partner organizations across 14 states by hosting gatherings that place art and culture at the center of all of our organizing strategies.

ROOTS Rhizomes

Alternate ROOTS exists throughout the entire southern region in the form of our members. When our members come together to share their art and organizing, learn about others’ work, and build strong local networks, ROOTS calls these gatherings Rhizome Events. Rhizomes take their name from nature: a rhizome is a continuously growing horizontal underground stem that puts out lateral shoots and roots. Rhizomes are vital to the long-term sustainability of Alternate ROOTS – they grow and nurture our coalition of artists and cultural workers around the region. Some Rhizomes are hosted by ROOTS, and some are hosted by members. 

The first step in hosting your own Rhizome is setting up a meeting with the Membership Team.

ROOTS Calendar