June 4, 2024 Member News

 ROOTS Week 2016. Photo by Mel Cardona.


In This Issue:


ROOTS Week 2016. Photo by mel cardona.

Present your work at ROOTS Week 2024! Applications Due Friday, June 7 

ROOTS Week 2024 will take place August 13-18, 2024 at Lutheridge Camp and Conference Center in Arden, NC. This year’s theme is Southern Soil: Sankofa Seeds. 

As we prepare to welcome folks back to Lutheridge, we seek proposals from members of the Alternate ROOTS community who would like to lead an art-making workshop, share original visual art, share works-in-progress or performances, present a pollinator keynote, or host a conversation. Submit a proposal HERE

Performance and Visual Art proposals will be prioritized, as will proposals submitted by ROOTS members. Please consider sharing your art with us for the best chance of proposal acceptance!

Presenters whose proposals are accepted will receive a $250 stipend and complimentary registration for ROOTS Week 2024.

Apply HERE. If you have any questions, or know someone who would like to apply that uses a non-Gmail account, please email or call: rootsweek@alternateroots.org or 404-577-1079 ext. 306.


Alternate ROOTS’ Book Team Members: Leia Lewis, MK Wegmann, Kathie DeNobriga, and Yvette Angelique at their book retreat in May 2024. Photo by Kinney Harold. 

ROOTS Book Team: “Get it Done” Squad Moving the Work Forward

The book architects welcome our newest “Get It Done” squad: Yvette Angelique, developmental editor, and Leia Lewis, production coordinator. We have contracted both ROOTers to guide the anthology through publication. After a robust team retreat in mid-May, we untangled yarns of details and spun them into a summer plan. Our early task is for a first round of editing, collecting writers’ bios, and sorting through photographs to include in our literary project.

Support needed from ROOTers: to engage members during ROOTS week 2024, we would like their help in identifying people in the photos. For example, “who is the person in the red striped shirt?” Plus, you never know—you might hear some familiar voices reading snippets from the book!




ROOTS Week 2019. Photo by mel cardona.

ROOTS Week Workgroup: Join us in Manifesting Brilliance! 

ROOTS Week Workgroup meetings are happening on Tuesday, June 11 and Thursday, June 13. If you’re interested in joining the ROOTS Week planning process, the next sessions are for you. Join us! (Choose one)

Tuesday, June 11 at 12pm ET Register HERE

Thursday, June 13 at 6:30pm ET Register HERE


ROOTS Week 2016: 40th Anniversary. Photo by Ariston Jacks. 

ROOTS’ Milestone Celebration: 50th Anniversary 

The 50th Anniversary Workgroup is meeting on Thursday, June 6 at 3pm EST.

This Workgroup will assist in planning ROOTS 50th Anniversary that is coming up in 2026-27! This milestone will include a celebration, but will also serve as a catalyst for a robust fundraising effort that will ensure our financial health and sustainability in the future.

If you’d like to participate in this meeting, please e-mail: marina@alternateroots.org.


The Investment Strategies Workgroup has Launched! 

The work of investment strategy is centered on the $3 million grant that Alternate ROOTS received from MacKenzie Scott in 2020. These funds are currently being held in a values-aligned investment account at Merrill Lynch. When the funds were received, we decided to use a portion of the funds for projects like the ROOTS book and archives, but the majority of the funds would be held to allow the ROOTS membership to participate in deciding if and how they should be spent. Their first meeting was held on Thursday, May 30. 

If you are interested in participating in future meetings please email: marina@alternateroots.org.


ROOTS Week 2014. Photo by mel cardona. 

Upcoming ExComm Meetings 

ALL members of Alternate ROOTS are invited to attend meetings of the Executive Committee and participate in governance! ExComm meetings are on the first Tuesdays of the month.

Upcoming dates:

Tuesday, June 4 at 5:30pm ET

Tuesday, July 2 at 5:30pm ET

The current Zoom link is listed below:

Join Zoom Meeting HERE
Meeting ID: 862 8928 5127
Passcode: 198730

If you have any issues accessing the Zoom meeting, please e-mail Marina at: marina@alternateroots.org.




Opportunities for Activism & Advocacy!

As a part of Alternate ROOTS’s commitment to dismantle all forms of oppression, we collaborate with our membership to provide a running list of advocacy and activism opportunities and resources at the local, state, regional, and national levels.

Access the ongoing list of Advocacy Opportunities & Resources HERE.

These resources have been gathered by Brooks Emanuel, our new Justice Advocacy Fellow. Brooks is here to connect you with crucial organizing, activism, and advocacy opportunities. Help him keep our community informed by sharing events, advocacy opportunities, and critical developments in your area. Check out this awesome video about his work on Alternate ROOTS’ Instagram!


Plug Your Events on Social & Member News!

The Alternate ROOTS Community wants to support your events. Here is how to get the word out through our channels:

Member News Email: To share your announcement in the Member News, please fill out this form by the first day of the month. Submit news by July 1, and it will be shared in the July 15 Member News.

Alternate ROOTS Facebook Group: If you want to share something on a shorter time frame, please join the private ROOTS members Facebook group where you can share your news with over 500 ROOTers in real time

Alternate ROOTS Instagram Repost:

  1. Send a Direct Message (DM) with your graphic (JPG) to @alternateroots on Instagram. 
  2. Please include your name as it appears in your membership profile.
  3. We will add your graphic to our stories, and tag your Instagram handle.
  4. Please give the Communications Team 2-5 business days to post.
  5. Feel free to tag us in posts or stories, however if you want to be included in  @alternateroots (on Instagram) stories you must DM us.


——————————————Office Hours at ROOTS 


Operations Team Office Hours

The Operations Team provides the resources that staff members and teams need to perform their duties, and ensure that our organization is complying with legal and financial requirements on our road to fulfilling our mission. We are responsible for:

  • Human Resources
  • Legal & Finance Compliance
  • Budget Management
  • Providing Resources for Staff

Office Hours: Thursdays from 12 – 1pm ET
404-577-1079 #301
Email Us (marina@alternateroots.org)

Cultural Organizing Team Office Hours

The Cultural Organizing Team maintains in-person and virtual relationships with existing members and partner organizations across 14 states by hosting ROOTS Week, ROOTS Weekends, Porch Sits, Coffee Pop-Ups, Phone Calls, Emails, and Zoom Sessions.

  • CO Team sits on the Governance Council of Southern Movement Assembly, is a lead partner in the Southern Power Fund, a partner organization of the Intercultural Leadership Institute, and represents ROOTS’ in the field via ROOTS’ Justice Advocacy Fellow who serves as a pipeline to the organizing efforts of our members.
  • We manage year-round programming for the Intercultural Leadership Institute and support member-led workgroups across various stages of development (e.g. YOOTS, UpROOTing Ableism, Gender Equity, Indigenous Working Circle, Heal/Teal, etc.)

Office Hours: Mondays from 11:30am – 1:30pm ET
(404) 975-1856
Email Us (programming@alternateroots.org)

Membership Team Office Hours

During office hours, the Membership team can be reached by phone to answer any questions and assist with any membership matters.

Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday: 11am – 2pm ET
(404) 577-1079 EXT. 302
Email Us (membership@alternateroots.org)

Communications Team Office Hours

Want to reach out to a Communications staff person?

Office Hours: Thursday: 9am – 11am ET
(404) 577-1079 EXT. 303
Email Us (communications@alternateroots.org)



Have news you want to share with your fellow ROOTS members? Fill out this form! 






Alternate ROOTS supports the creation and presentation of original art that is rooted in communities of place, tradition or spirit. We are a group of artists and cultural organizers based in the South creating a better world together. As Alternate ROOTS, we call for social and economic justice and are working to dismantle all forms of oppression—everywhere.