
ROOTS exists throughout the entire southern region in the form of our members.

When our members come together to share their art and organizing, learn about others’ work, and build strong local networks, ROOTS calls these gatherings Rhizome Events.

Request a Conversation

Rhizomes are vital to the long-term sustainability of Alternate ROOTS – they grow and nurture our coalition of artists and cultural workers around the region.


A rhizome is a continuously growing horizontal underground stem that puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals.

A rhizome can take many shapes: a small discussion, a dinner or potluck, a workshop – whatever you want. With your help, we’ll host several of these events over the coming year. Don’t worry, it’s easy! We’ve put together a guide to help plan your Rhizome:



  • Select a date, time, and location for your event. Once you have decided that, Request a Conversation at least 30 days before your event. ROOTS’ Membership Team seeks to be in partnership with you to make the event a success. Once your event is approved, we may post your event to our Facebook page, online calendar, include it in our Member News, and provide other ancillary support.
  • Submit your Rhizome application to begin the full process.
  • Send out invitations. These can be emails, e-vites, or good old fashioned paper invitations. It also helps to reach out to some people directly by phone. The ROOTS office can provide you with a list of members’ emails in your area. We recommend eventbrite for RSVP/registration. We will assist you in setting up the eventbrite event and provide you with the link to share.
  • Share reading material about Alternate ROOTS as an opportunity for your invitees to get up to speed on the organization before the event.



  • Display the information you received in Rhizome Event packet
  • Share some food and drink.
  • Make sure you use the  sign-in sheet sent in your packet to record the contact information of the attendees (that includes First & Last names and emails and return to the Membership Team).
  • Share information about Alternate ROOTS as another opportunity for your invitees to hear about the Alternate ROOTS organization at the event.
  • Introductions. Take some time to make sure everyone has an opportunity to participate in introductions.
  • Engage in dialogue.
  • Take photosat least one group photo (and return to the Membership Team)
  • Take video, and notes (if applicable).
  • Make it fun! (We’re sure you will. ROOTers are great at throwing a party.)



  • Post your pictures on Facebook, Instagram, etc. using the hashtag: #ROOTSrhizome
  • E-mail contact sheets and photos collected to membership@alternateroots.org or mail them to the ROOTS office, 1270 Caroline Street, Suite D120-353, Atlanta GA 30307 to Attention: Membership.
  • If you want to upload a photo album for public use to ROOTS’ Flickr, follow our protocol for submitting photos and video to the archives. Click here to learn more.

Please complete the above items within 14 days of the event. Your eligibility for future Rhizome events may be impacted if you do not provide the above items..

Alternate ROOTS supports the creation and presentation of original art that is rooted in communities of place, tradition or spirit. We are a group of artists and cultural organizers based in the South creating a better world together. As Alternate ROOTS, we call for social and economic justice and are working to dismantle all forms of oppression—everywhere.